Tutorial — How to use XSwap?

3 min readSep 12, 2020

In this tutorial you will learn about XSwap — a smart contract powered exchange mechanism that allows users to swap TRC20 tokens paired with the T2X token.

What do I need to use XSwap:

  1. TRON wallet like TronLink or TronWallet
  2. T2X or TRX Tokens

There are 3 main features on XSwap:

  1. The T2X Liquidity Pool
  2. The TRX Liquidity Pool
  3. Swap Feature

Here you can add your T2X tokens to the T2X Liquidity Pool and you will start earning daily rewards from the Reward Pool. Here is how you can do that:

  1. Enter the amount of T2X Tokens that you want to add to the Pool and press the ADD button

2. Confirm the transaction

That’s it — now you will start earning daily rewards in T2X because you are a liquidity provider in the T2X Pool. You can also anytime REMOVE your T2X tokens from the pool by simply following the steps from above, but pressing the REMOVE button instead.

Here you can add your TRXtokens to the TRX Liquidity Pool and you will start earning daily rewards from the Reward Pool. Here is how you can do that:

  1. Enter the amount of TRX Tokens that you want to add to the Pool and press the ADD button

2. Confirm the transaction

That’s it — now you will start earning daily rewards in TRX because you are a liquidity provider in the TRX Pool. You can also anytime REMOVE your TRX tokens from the pool by simply following the steps from above, but pressing the REMOVE button instead.

SWAP does exactly what it means :) It “swaps” your T2X tokens into TRX tokens. Simply enter an amount of T2X tokens that you want to swap/exchange and press the red button saying “SWAP”

After you confirm the transaction you will have the TRX in your wallet!

That’s it — go ahead and test what you have learned in this tutorial on: https://t2xtoken.io/panel/xswap.html#

Useful Links:

Official Website: https://t2xtoken.io/panel/xswap.html#
Official Telegram: https://t.me/T2Xtoken
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/T2XToken
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/YMpcptT
Whitepaper: https://t2xtoken.io/litepaper.pdf
What is a liquidity Pool: https://medium.com/@finematics/how-do-liquidity-pools-work-defi-explained-6d3418ea71fa




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